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Welcome! This is just a random place for my thoughts! Might have some bookish things here, but it won't be the main theme. :)

Small breakdowns hurt as big as huge sometimes.

You know when you go for a while without panic attacks because there is someone always there. So, the second you are alone; it happens tenfold?

Yeah. That is what is happening right now.

It's no real one thing. It's a mixture of so much happening at once, and stuff that has been resolved, things that are still in waiting and the fact that no matter what I do, I am disappointing someone.

I finally did something I have always wanted to do, I dyed my hair blue. I am [insert adult age here] god damn years old. I don't need my father acting like me dying my hair is the fucking end of the world. That I "need to come home now."

I haven't lived with that asshat for years. God, he is an anxiety attack all on his own.

Home life is good, relationship wise. Something might be happening that may rock how we live for a while. I pray (yes, pray) that isn't the case.

I miss a quite few of my friends.

I want to eat some rice.

I think I am calming down. This is a nice way to keep anxiety down, huh.

Anyways, sorry for not updating more. I will ASAP.

- Rei

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